To add a new post
To create a new post, fill in the form ‘Add or Edit a Post’
The fields marked with a * are required fields and the form won’t save without them being completed.
Featured image – click this button to browse your computer and select an image. Try to pick an image that is not too big (less than 200kb is ideal).
The featured image is the thumbnail picture that appears on the Work category pages.
Details – this is what will show up in the actual post itself. You can add text and photos here. If you want the featured image to show up here, you need to add it again by clicking the ‘insert photo’ button. You can add more than one photo.
Post Excerpt – this is a short summary that will appear below the featured image and post title on the work category pages.
Categories – click on the category that your post belongs in and it will show up on the relevant page. You can select more than one category.
Publish or Save Draft – publish will make the post live and visible on the website; saving as draft means you can go back and edit the content before you publish.
To view the finished post
When you have finished adding a new post, it should appear in the Dashboard list below.
You can click on any featured image or title to see the post on the website, then use the back button to get back to this page.
To edit or delete an existing post
In this section, you will see all the posts that have been created.
The status column shows whether the post is published (live) or draft (offline).
Select edit to go back to the form and make any corrections, then choose publish or save draft again.
Note: if you edit a live post and choose save draft, it will set the status to offline and the post will no longer appear on the website. You will need to edit it again and choose publish to make it live and appear on the website.
You can also delete posts here. If you delete something by mistake, please contact us and we may be able to recover it. (01776 840656)